Photo credit - Adam Grace, Friends of Anderson Park
"A Ramble With Frederick Law Olmsted" is an original living history portrayal of landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted developed during the celebration of the bicentennial of his birth. The performance showcases the various experiences and careers that Olmsted engaged with on his journey to becoming the "Father of American Landscape Architecture." The performance will highlight Olmsted's introduction to nature at an early age by his father and his own natural curiosity and his education from various ministers throughout Connecticut that shaped him. His friendships and relationships will be introduced to the audience as Olmsted describes his journey to China as an apprentice sailor, his experiences as a scientific farmer on Staten Island, his trip to Europe and England that led to a career in journalism, writing for what would become the New York Times as he travels the South reporting and exposing the injustice of slavery, his work with Calvert Vaux and Central Park, his work with the U.S. Sanitary Commission, a predecessor of the American Red Cross, during the American Civil War and his eventual return to New York City to partner once again with Vaux to design Prospect Park and return as landscape architects of Central Park.
Photo credit - Eileen Monreale, Friends of Olmsted-Beil House
Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Continues
Dec. 2022 - Friends of Olmsted-Beil House (2 Virtual)
Oct. 2022 - Friends of Olmsted-Beil House (2 In Person)
"Thanks for a lovely event, Joe & Donna. Thoughtful, tightly written, combining local history with the larger picture. And on a cold & rainy night, how comfy to enjoy it in our homes while simultaneously enjoying the company of everyone in your audience. Well done to you & Friends of Olmsted-Beil House!" - Beth
Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Begins
April 2022 - The National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program - Virtual
Dec. 2021/Jan. 2022 - Friends of Olmsted-Beil House - Virtual
November 20th, 2021 in person in front of the Olmsted-Beil House!
"Don't ever miss an opportunity to see Joseph Smith in character mode -- he becomes his character!!! His take on Frederick Olmsted was mesmerizing = we were taken back to Tosomock Farm circa 1850 to listen to the owner. Bravo Joseph !!!" - Tina K., FOBH Board member
Performances are customized for projects designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, which means I add and incorporate the highlights of Olmsted's experience with that specific project.
Projects designed by his son Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr and/or nephew/stepson John Charles Olmsted are presented with the original performance.
Recent Performances
October 2022 - Planting Fields Arboretum
May 2022 - Friends of Anderson Park
Joseph Smith as Frederick Law Olmsted
Photo credit: Adam Grace, Friends of Anderson Park
I was honored to portray Frederick Law Olmsted in 2022 to celebrate the bicentennial of his birth and collaborate with Friends of Olmsted Beil House on this NYSCA Encore Grant project.
This Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Continues was funded by the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency Statewide Community Regrant Program with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature; administered by Staten Island Arts.
Joseph Smith as Frederick Law Olmsted
Photo Credit: Guiseppe Settinieri, Friends of Olmsted-Beil House
I was honored to portray Frederick Law Olmsted in 2022 to celebrate the bicentennial of his birth and to collaborate with Friends of Anderson Park.
A Ramble with Frederick Law Olmsted was part of a larger event, Happy Birthday Mr. Olmsted, which was sponsored by Friends of Anderson Park. Funding was made possible in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State, through funds administered by the Essex County Division of Cultural & Historic Affairs.
Joseph Smith as Frederick Law Olmsted
Photo Credit: Lisanne Renner, Friends of Anderson Park
So honored to have performed a portion of my performance of Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Begins for the National Archives Comes Alive! Young Learners Program during the month of April 2022, his bicentennial birth. Happy 200th Birthday, Frederick Law Olmsted!
"You gave him a personality, cadence and intellectual energy that buoys the information already stored...You’ve given him a living, breathing persona so I’m more interested than ever. - Sarah, Artist
I was honored and humbled to portray Frederick Law Olmsted in 2021 in preparation of celebrating the bicentennial of his birth and to have collaborated with Friends of Olmsted Beil House on this Premier Grant project.
This Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Begins was made possible (in part) by a DCA Premier Grant from Staten Island Arts, with public funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Joseph Smith Photo Credit: Karen O'Donnell
PREVIEW PERFORMANCE for Friends of Olmsted-Beil House June 12th, 2021
Photo credit - Eileen Monreale, Friends of Olmsted-Beil House
"Don't ever miss an opportunity to see Joseph Smith in character mode-- he becomes his character!!! His take on Frederick Olmsted was mesmerizing = we were taken back to Tosomock Farm circa 1850 to listen to the owner. Bravo Joseph !!!"
- Tina K., FOBH Board member
Scene from Frederick Law Olmsted on Staten Island: His Journey Begins, researched, written and performed by Joseph Smith for Friends of Olmsted-Beil House.